Physics of planetary interiors  

Course Contents This course focuses on the different aspects of numerical modelling of planetary interiors. The interior of a planet or moon can be studied via observations of its gravity field, shape, surface features, rotation, and tidal deformations. To interpret these observations, the response of the bodies to different forces and heating scenarios need to be modelled. As a student you will get hands-on experience in modelling planetary and exoplanetary bodies with various numerical code packages. Different methodologies will be discussed, ranging from solving the Stokes equation for internal mantle convection to gravity forward modelling and how to solve certain loading scenarios with a finite-element code to the thermal evolution of a planet. You will be able to study a range of internal solid and fluid processes and interpret their surface manifestation. Lecture topics include: 1. Observations related to planetary interiors: Gravity field, rotation, tides, shape (topography, faults) - Example bodies and learn about different internal processes. You will learn how to calculate the internal gravity, density, and pressure of these bodies. 2. How to model fluid-solid mechanics of a planet? - Stokes equations in planetary science in spherical coordinates, rheology - Heat-transport: state equation exercise with different heat regimes - Mantle convection applications: dynamics and ocean flows 3. How to perform gravity field modelling - non-uniqueness, advanced isostasy/flexure models, density anomalies - Forward modelling density anomalies: spectral vs. volumetric methods - Inversion of lithosphere structure - Effect of mantle convection on the gravity field - Lessons learned from seismology on Earth 4. Tidal and loading deformation (Numerical code) - Effects of tidal potential (normal modes, FEM), dissipation - Loading cases: volcanism, meteor impact, ice loading - Surface faulting and the relation to stress, planetary seismicity, gravitational potential theory 5. Special topics on rotation of planetary bodies 6. Interior and planet evolution (combine all material) - Orbital resonance (external effects) - Change in thermal state and effect on tectonic regime (internal effects) Study Goals After the course you will be able to: 1. Recognize the physical processes shaping planetary interiors and understand how they can be approached in a numerical study. 2. Apply fundamental physical laws (Stokes, Poisson equation, etc) in a schematic numerical modelling setup in spherical coordinates to study relevant problems of planetary evolution. 3. Able to operate and assess applicability of state-of-the-art numerical simulations of planetary interiors and their evolution 4. Validate and improve numerical models of planetary interiors with observations. 5. Critically review literature in planetary interior modelling and formulate new research questions in this context.
Physics of planetary interiors

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